about me & my experiment
Hi everyone, my name is Anna MacDonald and welcome to my website. I have always been a natural investigator, explorer and experimenter and I have a keen passion for design and problem solving. I loved science at school, I studied physics, biology and geography, I wanted to know how the universe worked, how our bodies, nature and the planet worked but at the time I thought it was all part of a random evolution.
It wasn't until in my early thirties that I came across the concept of the soul. My life completely changed when this fact emotionally hit me as true. That fact that life continues after death and every action I had taken and feeling I had has a consequence. Up until this point (and still sometimes to date) I was attacking life like it was a competition that needed to be won, work hard play hard and prove that you're "good at life".
But let me go back a bit, to my pre my soul-centric view of the world. In my 20's I was introduced to the work of three people who were pivotal in opening my mind up to wider interpretations of what was going on.
1. Bruce Lipton, an epi-gentics expert who studies the affects of our emotions on our genetics and cellular biology.
2. Louise Hay, who shared about the specific effects of trauma and emotions on our health and physical body
3. Dr Emoto, who shared how the emotions coming from us can alter our environment, he specifically looked at water.
Despite having a dreadful memory, I can easily recall the feelings I had watching Bruce Lipton's talk "The Biology of Belief" for the first time. I kept having to pause the video, and walk around the house to process what I was hearing, scientific proof that how we feel literally controls our biology yet I'd been taught the exact opposite. This was a HUGE deal to me because it turned a lot of things I had previously thought to be true on their head.
All of the evidence and experiments these experts had done were fascinating to me, it was clear there was a lot more going on than I realised and I started to be open to the concept of spirituality and the importance of our emotions. I’d never previously looked into any spiritual teachings because I didn’t believe in God. I had so much judgement towards anyone who believed in God, I thought it was ridiculous and pathetic....my faith had always been in science.
So you can imagine my reaction when my best friend from school tells me she's listening to the most amazing talks by a guy in Oz, claiming to be Jesus....?! This was the same friend Bex, who had introduced me to Bruce Lipton and Louise Hay. I was a relatively straight down the line work hard, play hard slightly geeky person. I liked sports, documentaries, adventure, the environment, musicals, good vegan food and the occasional blow out with friends. I was not attracted to any form of new age, community spiritual stuff. I googled the guy, watched the fear mongering videos about him and his supposed cult/ compound and I felt pretty nervous.
However I also trusted my friend and I was intrigued. This wasn't someone who was out there looking for praise, he had 1000's of hours of content online for free, the Divine Truth You Tube channel and the videos didn't have many views so he wasn't driven by popularity. But whatever he was doing, it was being done with conviction, alongside his partner, Mary. It wasn't creepy it was direct, logical, down to earth and fascinating, plus they seemed very much in love which was rare to see and endearing.
One of the main reasons (other than inheriting my family's judgement) that I avoided anything religion related in the past was the huge lack of logic in all of the key teachings of all of the religions. Whether that be condemnation, homophobia, sexism etc etc. But after hours and hours of watching Jesus present, I couldn't find one crack, one word that didn't add up / make sense to me, and believe me I was looking for it.
I often think literally the only person that could have turned me "Goddy" would have to of been Jesus himself (lol) with his beautiful and watertight explanation of how God designed the universe and our souls and what the purpose of this was. Over the past 6 years i've had the privilege of being taught by Jesus and Mary through their Divine Truth you tube channel, as well as in person during a couple of trips to seminars they put on in Australia. Never before have I met two people so kind, non-judgemental, funny, passionate and real. I'm not going to hold back on saying I 100% believe they are who they say they are, no matter how nuts that sounds.
One of my favourite film quotes comes from The Da Vinchi Code is "He who holds the key to heaven will always have control over man". Jesus and Mary are literally handing out keys left right and centre they have no desire to be special or an essential part of peoples process. They want people to be fully independent and God reliant not Jesus reliant. A lot of their claims contradict whats in the bible, Jesus is not special, he did not die for our sins, he is just a man and Mary just a women with huge huge hearts who want to teach what they have learnt over the past 2000 years.
I know what they are teaching has the ability to change the fate of humanity (if we embrace it) and shed light on a lot of topics the world currently doesnt understand yet. The one key thing they do is encourage everyone to have a personal relationship with God which includes the ability to receive Love from God. They want us to experiment with what they are teaching and to NEVER take anything they say for granted.
So here I am, with a desire to take what they teach, formulate real life experiments and share my findings. I'm also interested in looking at what science is discovering and if that matches up with Divine Truths explanation. I look around me in nature, at the human body and genetics and I read about the spirit world..... the presence of intelligent design now seems too obvious.
I believe that if we re-design our world from a soul centric point of view where love and truth are the most important principles then we'd have rapid and gigantic change.
A lot of their teachings focus on being humble to the pain and error inside us and feeling it till its gone. So always focusing on how we are reacting to situations rather than pointing the finger and demanding that others change. It involves a lot of looking at childhood and generational trauma and processing the difficult emotions that we've stored as a result of that, alongside all the damage we have caused with our own free will choices. It's kind of in line with what Gabor Mate teaches about trauma but it's presented a lot more depth and actually offers solutions of how to heal it. They explain a lot around how we all heavily use emotional addictions as well as physical ones to avoid our pain, which becomes an automatic part of daily life and explains why the world is in the state that it is.
For the past 6 years or so I've been trying to address these issues in myself, I've had some pretty amazing help and even with this it's been the hardest thing I've ever done and its not a fast process. To admit that I was broken, see my flaws and then to choose to go there towards my pain is as real as it gets. I've got a long way to go but I can assure you it works and I've seen permanent changes in my life as a result from having a good old emotional breakdown or rage release. Like a lot of the world, I used to think emotionality was stupid and illogical and I loved intellect. However now its clear to me that the only time I'm really illogical is when I dont feel my feelings.
I hope you enjoy what you find on here, its my desire to make films about my soul experiment and Gods design but I've currently got a lot of fears and doubts blocking that so we'll see how I go. For the time being its just a few bits of writing and some research resources.
Anna. x
Referenced above :
Bruce Lipton – The Biology of Belief.
Divine Truth – Secrets of the Universe.
Divine Truth You Tube Channels :
Divine Truth YouTube Channel - Longer videos and presentations
Divine Truth - Frequently asked questions - Youtube Channel
My Favourite talks :
Divine Truth The Human Soul - The Gift Of Free Will
Divine Truth The Human Soul - Emotions & the Mother Taboo
Forgiveness and Repentance Part 1
Forgiveness and Repentance Part 2